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Chattoir Interview with Aria Artis

in Interviews at 14 February 2018
Chattoir Interview with a painter. "(...) Arta inseamna pentru mine libertate totala, nu numai de a-ti aduce in lumina trairile, gindurile, ideile, lumea interioara, ci si de a crea, prelucra, modifica realitatea" Aria Artis
Yulia Berry

Chattoir Interview with Costantino Catena

in Interviews at 19 October 2017
"Certainly it is impossible to be indifferent before or during a performance, as it is impossible to completely detach yourself from the emotions. By being able to channel emotions in the right way, one enriches a performance and makes it an ever-unique event linked to that particular emotional and mental state." Costantino Catena
Yulia Berry

Interview with Composer Marius Herea

in Interviews at 01 June 2017
"A composer has the responsibility to renew the styles and bring novelty to the world" Marius Herea